3rd Global Microbiome Network - GloMiNe Symposium for Asia
The GloMiNe symposium is held by scientists from Asia, America, Africa and Australia, encompasses talks from the fields of microbiology, molecular biology, bioinformatics, anthropology, conservation, preservation, ethics, and public health. This symposium will discuss and promote the importance of conservation efforts on microbial biodiversity. The target audience are students, researchers, and policy makers, in particular from Asia.
GloMiNe for Asia is the third of a series of symposia to help establish a global microbiome network. The GloMiNe for Asia is hosted by the Mochtar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology and organised by a committee which includes institutions from Asia and America. This is an initiative under the mission of Microbiota Vault to conserve long-term health for humanity.
Registration is free but required.
Please RSVP at: click here
Deadline: January 25th, 2023