
Isabella Apriyana


Position             : Research Assistant

Qualifications   :

                              -  M.A. in Biological Antropology (The Australian National University)

                              -  B.Sc. in Biotechnology (Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)                            

Profile                :

                           Isabella currently manages the collaborative research project between MRIN and Variant Bio which focuses on understanding the genetic diversity of populations in Indonesia and searching for novel, disease-associated genetic variants on the archipelago. This Pilot Project aims to collect and sequence samples from five ethnic groups across Indonesia.                               

Interests            :  Population genetics

                               Human genetics and health

                               Human behavioral ecology

                               Hunter-gatherer studies

Awards              :

                               - The Variant Bio Standley Fellowship (2021)

                               - Aurora Intership Program and the Aurora Education Foundation, Australia (2019)

                               - Australia Awards Scholarships  (2018)

                               - Allison Sudrajat Prize, Departement of Foreign Affair and Trade Australia (2018)

                               - National Geographic Young Explorer Grant (2016) 

                               - The rufford Foundation Small Grants for Nature  Conversation (2015)


Contact             :  isabella.apriyana@mrinstitute.org

Publications     :

 1. Characterization of 29 polymorphic microsatellite markers developed by genomic screening of Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis).

     BMC Res Notes. 2021 Mar 26;14(1):119. doi: 10.1186/s13104-021-05522-x.

2. Non-invasive genotyping of Sumatran elephants: implications for conservation. Tropical Conservation Science, 8(3), pp.745-759.