Dr. Alexander H. Soeriyadi

Dr. Alexander H. Soeriyadi
Email: alexander.soeriyadi@unsw.edu.au or alex.soeriyadi@gmail.com
Dr.Alexander H. Soeriyadi Received his PhD degree in Industrial Chemistry from the University of New South Wales, Australia. Prior to joining the MRIN, he was NHMRC Research fellow in Australian Center of Nanomedicine, UNSW, Australia. His research interest is in Material, Biomaterial in Biomedical and Agricultural Application. He is also passionate in entrepreneurship and commercialization bringing research work in products. Commissioner PT MRIN Diagnostic Indonesia (MDI),(Jan ’19 – present).
Journal Publications
Silk sponges with surface
antimicrobial activity
Wulandari, E.
Namicandi-Zangeneh, Judszewitsch, P.R., Budhisatria, R. Soeriyadi, A.H., Boyer,
C., Wong, H.H., ACS Applied Bio-Materials, 2020, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsabm.0c01222
Optical tweezers-based
characterization of gold-core satellite plasmonic nano-assemblies incorporation
thermo-responsive polymers
Han, F., Armstrong, T.,
Andres-Arroyo, A., Bennet, D., Soeriyadi, A.H., Chamazketi, A.A. Bakthavathsalam,
P., Tilley, R.D, Gooding, J.J., Reece, P.J., Nanoscale, 2020, 12(3), 1680-1687.
Understanding the
performance of paper-based UV exposure sensor: The photodegradation
mechanism of brilliant blue
FCF in the presence of TiO2 photocatalyst in both the solid state and solution
Khiabani, P.S., Soeriyadi,
A.H., Nam, E.V., Peterson, J.R., Webb, J.E.A., Thordarson, P., Donald, W.A,
Gooding, J.J., Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2019, 33(12),
Influence of salt addition
and freeze-thawing on particle size and zeta potential of nano-chitosan
Nugraheni, P.S., Soeriyadi,
A.H., Ustadi, Sediawan, W.B., Budhijanto, W., IOP Conference Series, 2019, 278
(1), 012052
Comparison of formulation
methods to produce nano-chitosan as inhibitor agent for bacterial growth
Nugraheni, P.S., Soeriyadi,
A.H., Ustadi, Sediawan, W.B., Budhijanto, W., Journal of Eng. and Tech. Sci..
2019, 51(3), 431-442.
Micropatterning of porous
silicon bragg reflectors with poly(ethylene glycol) to fabricate cell
microarrays: towards single cell sensing
Piya, R., Zhu, Y.,
Soeriyadi, A.H., Silva, S.M., Reece, P.J., Gooding, J.J., Biosensor and
Bioelectronic, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2018.12.001
A graphene-based sensor for
real time monitoring sun exposure
Khiabani, P.S., Kashi, M.B,
Zhang, X., Pardehkhorram, R., Markhali, B.P, Soeriyadi, A.H., Micolich, A.P.,
Gooding, J.J., Carbon, 2018, 138, 215-218.
Reversible thermoresponsive
plasmonic core-satellite nanostructure that exhibit both expansion and contraction
Han, F., Soeriyadi, A.H.,
Gooding, J.J., Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2018, 1800451.
Thermoresponsive plasmonic
core-satellite nanostructure with reversible, temperature sensitive optical
Han, F., Vivekchand, S.R.C.,
Soeriyadi, A.H., , Reece, P.J., Gooding, J.J, ACS Sensors, 2018, Nanoscale,11,
Can single molecule
localization microscopy be used to map closely spaced RGD nanodomains?
Mollazade, M., Tabarin, T.,
Nicovich, P.R., Soeriyadi, A., Nieves, D.J., Gooding, J.J., Gaus, K., PloS One,
2017, 12, 7.
Paper-Based Sensor for
Monitoring Sun Exposure
P.S. Khiabani, P.S,
A.H.Soeriyadi, Reece, P.J.; Gooding, J.J., ACS Sensors, 2016,
DOI:10.1021/acssensors.6b00244. (Highlighted in Science Daily, The Economist,
Channel 7 Australia, ABC Australia, ABC Los Angeles and finalist of 2017
Australia Museum Eureka Prize)
Simple Method for Tuning
the Optical Properties of Thermoresponsive Plasmonic Nanogels
F. Han, A.H.
Soeriyadi, S.R.C. Vivekchand, J.J. Gooding, ACS Macro Letters, 2016, 5,
Versatile method for the
Preparation of Carbon-Rhodium Hybrid Catalysts on Graphene and Carbon Black
C.M. Wong, D.B. Walker,
A.H. Soeriyadi, J.J. Gooding, B.A. Messerle, Chemical Science, 2016, 7,
Reversible Gating of Smart
Plasmonic Molecular Traps Using Thermoresponsive Polymers for Single-Molecule
Zheng, Y.; Soeriyadi, A.H.;
Rosa, L. ; Ng, S.H.; Bach, U.; Gooding, J.J.;, Nature Communication, 2015, 6,
Heat Treated Stainless
Steel Felt as Scalable Anode Material for Bioelectrochemical Systems
K. Guo, A.H. Soeriyadi, H.
Feng, A. Prevoteau, S.A. Patil, J.J. Gooding, K. Rabaey, Bioresource
Technology, 2015, 195, 46-50
Polymersomes Prepared from
Thermoresponsive Fluorescent Protein–Polymer Bioconjugates: Capture of and
Report on Drug and Protein Payloads
C.K. Wong, A.J.Laos, A.H.
Soeriyadi, J. Wiedenmann, P.M.G. Curmi, J.J. Gooding, C. Marquis, M.H. Stenzel,
P. Thordarson, Angew. Chem. 2015, 54, 5317-5322.
The analytical performance
of a porous silicon Bloch surface wave biosensors as protease biosensor
H. Qiao, A.H. Soeriyadi,
B.Guan, P.J. Reece, J.J. Gooding, Sensor and Act. B: Chem. 2015, 211, 469-475.
Dual Bioresponsive “AND”
Logic Gate Polymer Mesoporous Silica Polymer Construct Nanocarrier for Cancer
Cells Targeted Drug Delivery
X. Chen, A.H. Soeriyadi,
X.Lu, S.M. Sagnella, M. Kavallaris, J.J. Gooding, Adv. Func. Mat. 2014, 44,
Flame-oxidised stainless steel
felt: a promising anode for bioelectrochemical systems
K. Guo, B.C. Donose, A.H.
Soeriyadi, A.Prevoteau, S.A. Patil, S. Freguia, J.J. Gooding, K. Rabaey,
Env. Sci. Tech. 2014, 48, 7151-7156
Chemical patterning on
preformed porous silicon photonic crystals towards multiplex detection of
protease activity at precise location
Y. Zhu, A.H. Soeriyadi,
S.G. Parker, P.J. Reece, J.J.Gooding, J. Mat. Chem. B 2014, 2, 3582-3588
Optimising the Enzyme
Response of Porous Silicon Photonic Crystal via the Modular Design of Enzyme
Sensitive Polymers
A.H. Soeriyadi, B. Gupta,
P.J. Reece, J.J.Gooding, Polym. Chem. 2014, 5, 2333-2341
Synthesis and
High-Troughput Processing of Polymeric Hydrogel for 3D Cell Culture
S.B. Lowe, V.T.G. Tan, A.H.
Soeriyadi, T.P. Davis, J.J. Gooding, Bioconj. Chem. 2014, 25, 1581-1601
Surfactant treatment of
carbon felt enhances anodic microbial electrocatalysis in bioelectrochemical
K. Guo, A.H. Soeriyadi,
A.Prevoteau, S.A. Patil, S. Freguia, J.J. Gooding, K. Rabaey, Electrochem. Commun. 2014, 39, 1-4
Light induced organic
monolayer modification of iodinated carbon electrodes
Fairman, C.; Chockalingham,
M.; Liu, Liu, G.; Soeriyadi, A.H.; Gooding, J.J.;”, Langmuir, 2014, 30,
Modification of porous
silicon rugate filters through thiol-yne photochemistry
A.H. Soeriyadi, Y. Zhu,
P.J. Reece, J.J. Gooding, AIP Conference
Proceedings 2014, 1586, 35-38.
Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Drug Release in Response to
Various Biological Stimuli
X. Chen, X. Cheng, A.H.
Soeriyadi, S.M. Sagnella, M. Kavallaris,
J.J. Gooding, Biomat. Sci. 2014, 44, 6999-7006
Soft Ionization Mass
Spectroscopy: Insights into the polymerization mechanism
A.H. Soeriyadi, C.Boyer,
M.R. Whittaker, T.P. Davis, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem., 2013, 51,
Synthesis of block
copolymers via atom transfer radical polymerization and ‘click chemistry’
grafted from pre-functionalized polypropylene surfaces using gamma irradiation
O. Foster, A.H. Soeriyadi,
M.R. Whittaker, T.P. Davis, C. Boyer, Polym. Chem., 2012, 3, 2102-2111.
Effect of TiO2 nanoparticle
surface functionalization on protein adsorption, cellular uptake, and
cytotoxicity: the attachment of PEG comb polymers using catalytic chain
transfer and thiol-ene chemistry
R. Tedja, A.H. Soeriyadi,
M.R. Whittaker, C. Marquis, M. Lim, R. Amal, C. Boyer, Davis, T.P., Polym.
Chem. 2012, 3, 2743-2751.
A Detailed Surface
Analytical Study of Degradation Processes in (Meth)Acrylic Polymers
A.H. Soeriyadi, V.
Trouillet, F. Bennet, M. Bruns, M.R. Whittaker, C. Boyer, P.J.
Barker, T.P. Davis, C. Barner-Kowollik , J. Polym. Sci. Part A:
Polym. Chem. 2012, 50, 1801-1811.
Adsorption behavior of
sulfur containing polymers to gold surfaces using QCM-D
S. Slavin, A.H. Soeriyadi,
L. Voorhaar, C. Boyer, C.R. Becer, M.R. Whittaker, T.P. Davis, D.M. Haddleton, Soft Matter 2012, 8, 118-128.
End-group Fidelity of
Copper(0)-Mediated Radical Polymerization at High Monomer Conversion: An ESI-MS
F. Nystrom, A.H. Soeriyadi,
C. Boyer, P.B. Zetterlund, M.R. Whittaker, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.
2011, 49, 5313-5321.
Synthesis of Complex
Multi-Block Copolymers via a Simple Iterative Cu(0)-Mediated Radical
Polymerization Approach
C. Boyer, A.H. Soeriyadi,
P.B. Zetterlund, M.R. Whittaker, Macromolecule 2011, 44, 8028-8033.
High Order Multi-Block
Copolymers via Iterative Cu(0)-Mediated Radical Polymerization (SET-LRP):
Towards Biological Precision
A.H. Soeriyadi, C. Boyer,
F. Nystrom, P.B. Zetterlund, M.R Whittaker, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133,
Synthesis and modification
of thermoresponsive poly(oligoethylene glycol) methacrylate via catalytic chain
transfer polymerization and thiol-ene Michael addition
A.H. Soeriyadi, G.Z. Li, S.
Slavin, M.W. Jones, C.M. Amos, C.R. Becer, D.M. Haddleton, M.R. Whittaker,
C. Boyer, T.P. Davis, Polym. Chem. 2011,
2, 815-822.
Degradation of various
poly(butyl methacrylate) model compounds under environmental conditions via
high-resolution ESI-MS
A.H. Soeriyadi, F. Bennet,
M.R. Whittaker, P.J. Barker, C. Barner-Kowollik, T.P. Davis, J. Polym. Sci.
Part A: Polym. Chem. 2011, 49, 848-861.
Post functionalization of
ATRP Polymers Using Both Thiol/ene and Thiol/Disulfide Exchange Chemistry
C. Boyer, A.H. Soeriyadi,
P.J. Roth, M.R. Whittaker, T.P. Davis, Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 1318-1320.
High Fidelity vinyl
terminated polymers by combining RAFT and cobalt catalytic chain transfer (CCT)
polymerization methods
A.H. Soeriyadi, C. Boyer,
M.R. Whittaker, C.R. Becer, D.M. Haddleton, T.P Davis, Chem. Commun. 2010, 46,
Detailed investigation on
thiol-(meth)acrylate Michael addition reactions using various amine and
phosphine based catalysts
G.Z. Li, R.K. Randev, A.H.
Soeriyadi, G. Rees, C. Boyer, T.P. Davis, C.R. Becer, D.M. Haddleton, Polym. Chem.
2010, 1, 1196-1204.
Degradation of poly(butyl
acrylate) and poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) model compounds under extreme
environmental conditions
F. Bennet, P.J. Barker,
T.P. Davis, A.H. Soeriyadi, C. Barner-Kowollik, Macromol. Chem. Phys, 2010,
211, 3034-2052.
- “Photosensitive printing composition”, New South Innovation, Australian Provisional Patent, Application No. 2016900761.
- “Photosensitive printing composition”, New South Innovation, Australian Provisional Patent, US20190002720A1