Former President
Professor George Mathew after his undergraduate and post graduate Medical training at
the Christian Medical College Vellore , undertook post doctoral Fellowship
training in upper GI and Laparoscopic Surgery at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in
South Australia. He continued his post doctoral research at the University of
Adelaide, South Australia . During which time he was awarded the Davis &
Geck Prize for the best research paper. His focus of research was on the study
of the behavior of maligant cells in the Laparoscopic environment and the role
of peritoneal immunity for which he was awarded the Doctorate in Surgery. He
was appointed as Professor of Surgery at Christian Medical School in 1997 and
then held the position of Head and Professor GI Surgery at Christian Medical
College He held the position of Vice Dean of the Medical College from 1997 to
2001 and as Dean of the Medical College in charge of all Medical, Allied Health
and Research Courses. He was honoured with the Best Medical Administrator Award
by MGR University for his services to Medical Education and Health Care
Delivery. He was also honoured with the Mother of Teresa award for Excellence
and the Eminent Medical Educationist Award. He chaired the undergraduate curriculum
reform committee of the Medical Council of India. The main areas of his
research interest are Molecular markers in early diagnosis of Gastrointestinal
malignancies , marker for metatastic potential in malignat tumors, role of
peritoneal immunity, use of virtual reality in medical training and the
application of Robotics in Surgery.
Selected Publications
§ Watson DI, Jamieson GG, Devitt PG, Mathew
G , Britten – Jones R, Game PA & Williams RS. Changing
strategies in the performance of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication as a
result of experience with 230 operations. Surgical Endoscopy. 1995; 9: 961-6 |
§ Pike GK, Bessell JR, Mathew G,
Watson DI, Mitchell PC & Jamieson GG. Changes in fibrinogen levels in
patients undergoing open and laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. ANZJ Surg.
1996; 66: 94 -6 |
§ Mathew G, Watson DI, Rofe AM, Baigrie CF, Ellis T & Jamieson GG.
Wound metastases following laparoscopic and open surgery for abdominal cancer
in a rat model. Br J Surg. 1996; 83: 1087-90 |
§ Watson DI, Mathew G, Ellis T,
Baigrie CF, Rofe AM & Jamieson GG. Gas less laparoscopy may reduce the
risk of port site metastases following laparoscopic tumor surgery. Archives
of Surgery. 1997; 132(2): 166-9 |
§ Watson DI, Mathew G.
Laparoscopic surgery in the rat; beneficial effort on body weight and tumour
take. Surg Endosc. 1997; 11(2): 165 |
§ Watson DI, Mathew G, Pike GK
& Jamieson GG. Comparison of anterior, posterior and total fundoplication
using a viscera model. Diseases of the Esophagus. 1997; 10(2): 110 - 4 |
§ Mathew G, Watson DI, Rofe AM, Ellis T, Jamieson GG. Adverse impact of
pneumoperitoneum on intraperitoneal implantation and growth tumour cell
suspension in an experimental model. Aust NZJ Surg. 1997; 67(5): 289-92 |
§ Mathew G, Jamieson GG. Neoadjuvant therapy for oesophageal carcinoma –
Lead article British Journal of Surgery. 1997; 84(9): 1185-7 |
§ Mathew G, Watson DI, Myers JC, HollowayRH & Jamieson GG.
Oesophageal motility parameters before and after laparoscopic Nissen
fundoplication. British Journal of Surgery. 1997; 84(10): 1465-9 |
§ Mathew G, Watson DI, Ellis T, DeYoung N, Rofe AM & Jamieson GG.
The effect of laparoscopy on the movement of tumour cells and metastasis to
surgical wounds. Rug Endosc. 1997; 11(12): 1163-6 |
§ Myers JC, Mathew G, Watson DI
& Jamieson GG. Peristaltic activity in an interposed colonic segment
twenty-four hours following total oesophagogastrectomy Aust NZJ Surg. 1998;
68(4): 278-80 |
§ Mathew G, Watson DI, N DeYoung, Ellis T, Jamieson GG. Dispersal of
tumour cells within the peritoneal cavity during laparoscopy. Min Invas Ther
& Allied Technol. 1998; 714: 379-84 |
§ Mathew G, Watson DI, Ellis T, Jamieson GG, ROfe AM. The role of
peritoneal immunity and tumour – bearing state on the development of wound
and peritoneal metastases following laparoscopy. Aust NZ J Surg. 1999; 69(1):
14-8 |
§ Neuhas SJ, Watson DJ, Ellis T, Rofe AM, Mathew
G, Jamieson GG. Influence of gases on intraperitoneal immunity during
laparascopy in tomour-bearing rats. World J Sung. 2000; 24(10): 1227-31 |
§ Samarasam I, Chandran S, Sitaram V, Perakath
B, Nair A, Mathew G. Palliative gastrectomy in advanced gastric
cancer – is it worthwhile ? ANZ J Surg. 2006; 76: 60 |
§ Chistudoss P, Selvakumar R, Pulimood AB,
Flemming JJ, Mathew G. Tissue zinc levels in precancerous tissue
in the gastrointestinal tract of azoxymethane (AOM) – treated rats. Exp.
Tropical Pathol 2007, Nov 19. (In press) |
§ Chirtudoss P, Selvakumar R, Pulimood AB,
Fleming JJ, Mathew G. Unsymmetrical DMB - An isomer of 1.2 DMB –
Is it potent to induce gastrointestinal carcinoma in rats ? Experimental and
Toxicologic Pathology 2008; 59: 373-5 |
§ Christudoss P, Selvakumar R, Pulimood AB,
Fleming JJ, Mathew G. Tissue Zinc levels in precancerous tissue
in the gastrointestinal tract of azoxymethane (AOM) – treated rats.
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 2008; 59: 313-8 |
§ Jamieson GG, Mathew G. Surgical
management of esophageal cancer; the western experience in – Management of
upper Gastrointestinal Cancer. Eds: Daly, Hennessey, Reynolds. WB Saunders
Inc. London. 1999 |
§ Perakath B, Sitaram V, Mathew G,
Khanduri P. Palliative total gastrectomy in advanced gastric cancer. Trop
Doct. 2001; 31(1): 57-8 |
§ Coyle P, Mathew G, Game PA,
Myers JC, Philcox JC, Rofe AM, Jamieson GG, Metallothionein in human
oesophagus, Barret’s epithelium and adenocarcinoma. Br J Cancer. 2002; 87(5):
533-6 |
§ Samarasam I, Chandran S, Kurian S, Mathew
G. Rare tumour of the oesophagus – a case report. Journal of
Gastroenterol and Hepat. 2007; 22: 421 |