
Genomic Division

The Genomic Division is one of the research laboratories in Mochtar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology (MRIN). The specific objectives of this division are: 
1.Synthesizing a particular nucleotide sequence of interest. 
2.Generating a full length or partial DNA sequence of the received samples. 
3.Performing molecular analysis at DNA level.
Currently, we conduct various research projects that focus on long-term resistance mutations profiles of several antiviral nucleotide/nucleoside agents, and predicting liver disease progression associated hepatitis B virus (HBV) in Indonesia based on whole genome sequence. We are collaborating with Klinik Hati Prof. Ali Sulaiman (KHPA) to collect samples from chronic HBV patients with antiviral treatment (follow-up study). 

The specific objectives of this division are:
1.Investigating Lamivudine and Telbivudine resistant mutation in Indonesian chronic HBV patients treated with 2.Lamivudine (LMV) and Telbivudine (LdT). 
3.Investigating Tenofovir resistant mutation in Indonesian chronic HBV patients treated with Tenofovir (TDF). 
4.Investigating several specific and novel mutations in Indonesian chronic HBV patients for predicting liver              disease progression. 
5.Developing HBV detection method using personal glucose meter (PGM).

Members of Genomic Division :
Principal Investigator:
Dr. rer. nat. Ivet Suriapranata.

Research Assistant:
Venansi Viktaria S.Si
Rury Mega Wahyuni, drh., M.Si.