
Institute Policies

Our research organization is committed to maintaining a safe, ethical, and compliant environment. We have established robust processes and policies to manage risks in the following areas:

Bullying and Harassment:

We have a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying and harassment. All reported incidents are thoroughly investigated, and appropriate disciplinary actions are taken.


We prioritize the safety and well-being of all individuals involved in our research activities. Our safeguarding policies ensure that vulnerable groups are protected from harm.

Money Laundering:

We adhere to stringent anti-money laundering regulations. Our financial transactions are monitored and audited to prevent and detect any illegal activities.

Bribery and Corruption:

We are committed to conducting business with integrity. Our anti-bribery and corruption policies are designed to prevent, detect, and address any forms of unethical behavior.

Modern Slavery:

We actively work to eliminate modern slavery and human trafficking within our operations and supply chains. Our policies comply with all relevant legislation and international standards.

Scientific Misconduct:

We uphold the highest standards of scientific integrity. Any allegations of scientific misconduct are promptly investigated, and measures are taken to rectify any breaches of ethical conduct.

Our comprehensive risk management framework ensures that we remain vigilant and responsive to any risks that may arise in these critical areas.