The Mochtar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology (MRIN) with the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to cooperate in preparing for future global health problems. On December 9, 2021, the President of MRIN, Prof. dr. Irawan Yusuf, Ph.D., along with Executive Director, Dr.rer.nat.dr. Juandy Jo, M. Mol. Biol., and Principal Investigator Dr.rer. nat. Ivet Suriapranata attended the virtual MOU Signing Ceremony. The signing agreement bridges the Multi-Regional Clinical Trial (MRCT) network, organized by NCGM with the Academic Research Organization (ARO) Alliance for ASEAN and East Asia (ARISE) as a forum to increase networking in the field of clinical research.
Six medical research institutes from three ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines) are members of this alliance. Two research institutes representing Indonesia are MRIN and Universitas Indonesia (UI). With this alliance collaboration, it is hoped that the complexity of conducting multinational research due to differences in regulatory and ethical requirements among countries, differences in the medical systems, differences in ethnic and health priorities, etc will be resolved. For more information about ARISE, click the following link on the NCGM Japan website.